Second SPACC Implementation Meeting
An implementation meeting for International GLOBEC/SPACC will be held to address three objectives:
- finish the global implementation plan for SPACC that was begun in Swakopmund, Namibia in December 1996;
- establish working groups to carry out joint comparative research; and
- form an IAI consortium for training, education and mutual assistance in the Americas and Pacific related to small pelagic fish, and climate change. This implementation meeting shall emphasize the Americas and Pacific (the first implementation meeting [in Namibia] focused on Africa and Europe).
Participants from anywhere in the world are welcome to attend the meeting.
The SPACC/IAI implementation meeting for the Americas and Pacific will be held in Conference
rooms of the Hotel El Camino Real [fax 5/250-6897; phone 5/203-2121] in Mexico City, D.F.
Mexico, from 830 AM Monday, August 19 to after lunch on Friday August 23. Dr. John Hunter is
co-chair of the meeting and should be contacted for further details (John Hunter, phone
619-546-7127; fax 619-546-7003; email